SUGI therapeutic bodywork is a fast and effective treatment option for addressing many common health issues.

From alleviating lower back pain to boosting the immune system, SUGI offers a natural, non-invasive, and soothing modality of bodywork. It harnesses the healing power inherent in our hands and offers excellent preventive measures.

As a special Eastern style of “acupressure,” SUGI focuses on more than just superficial muscles. With a skilled touch, firm yet comfortable pressure is applied to acupressure points throughout your body, for several seconds or minutes at a time. Though there are overlaps, SUGI differs from chiropractic or osteopathic modalities since direct manipulation on bones is rarely employed. Rather, all the soft tissues (muscles, tendons, ligaments, connective tissue or fascia) holding up your skeletal system are worked on exhaustively to identify the true sources of range-of-motion restriction and pain. Above all, SUGIibodywork is founded on theTraditional Chinese Medical system which aims to restore your body’s physiological balance and natural energy flow.

Common Health Conditions Treated

Anxiety & Depression

Arthritis, Tendonitis, & Joint pain

Asthma & Allergies

Auto Injuries

Bladder and Kidney Infections

Cardiac Palpitations (Irregular Heartbeat)

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Common Cold & Influenza

Degenerative Disc Disorders

Diet, Nutrition, & Weight Control


Headaches & Migraines

Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)

Indigestion, Gas, Bloating, Constipation


Menopause Symptoms

Musculoskeletal pain


Orthopedic Conditions

Pain – other kinds

PMS & Menstrual Irregularity

Sports Injuries